Tip: Needle & Accessory Organizer

4:47:00 PM

Thought I'd pop in and post this quick little tip.

I was at the hardware store about a month ago, and saw these cool little cases for storing screws, nails, wallplugs, etc.

I thought it would make an excellent organizer for my sewing machine needles and extra presser feet/accessories.

The 'STACK ON' parts organizer

All of my accessories and paraphernalia for my sewing machine
Now, I can see at a glance where my parts are and keep my stacks of needles organized into their own slots.

Happy sewing!

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  1. There are many ways to go about organizing your accessory. Different methods make more sense depending on your space and what you’re storing. No matter which method you choose, these accessory organizer  definitely helps you to reduce the space usage. Once again great post man! Cheers!


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