I never win anything!

9:58:00 AM

...and I can't say that anymore!

Last week, moda's blog held a blog-hop; they were showcasing some of their designers, and each day for a week two or three artists told us about their hometowns on their blogs and, of course, had a giveaway.

Well - I actually won. I commented on Edyta Sitar's blog, Laundry Basket Quilts, leaving an answer to her question:

"Leave me a comment by midnight Sept 15 and share the bakery item you can’t resist"
..my answer?

Nanaimo Bars. (pronounced 'nan-eye-mo') Yum. A Canadian (particularly West Coast) staple.
I have yet to find anything remotely like this in Chicago - and I miss them!

Anyway - after a random draw, I won! I'll post a picture of my prize as soon as I receive it in the mail.

A big thanks to Edyta - her books are amazing, and so is her fabric. Thank you!

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  1. Awesome, congrats! I saw the pic on your other post, nice fabrics!

    1. Thanks Jenn! I'm really excited to get sewing...I have an idea already for the charm pack!

  2. Congrats on the win, Erin. I take it you are from Canada originally? Whereabouts?

    1. Thanks so much, M-R!
      Originally I'm from Vancouver (or a little suburb outside of, to be exact!)
      Thanks for stopping by! :D


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