f.y.i. friday - "chintzy"

12:00:00 PM

hi all!

I thought I'd start something fun on my blog for Fridays, since I never seem to have a TGIFF to post (ok, not true, but I never have enough!)

So, when I have a chance I'll post some interesting facts about sewing, quilting, crafting, etc., on Fridays.

Here's the interesting fact for today:

It's about the origin of the word "chintzy".

The word 'chintzy' first appears in 1851(1), and is defined now as "stingy". 

Chintz, a cloth imported to Europe from India in the 1800's, was extremely expensive. It was often incorporated in quilts and clothing, but due to its cost, for most of the middle class, sparingly - thus, the term 'chintzy' was born... (1,2)

(1) Extracted January 14, 2013. Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "chintzy" http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chintzy
(2) Extracted January 15, 2013. Wikipedia: "chintz". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chintzy

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  1. I love the old chintz fabrics. Your Friday feature sounds fun !

  2. It's funny because we were just talking about chintz the other night (and when does that ever happen?) while cutting our guild challenge fabrics. One of them felt like chintz and we couldn't figure out any other word than chintzy to describe it even though we meant "chintz-y", as in chintz-like, and not chintzy. It led to an interesting conversation. :-)


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