
4:30:00 AM

This ever happened to you?

I was bidding on a lovely item on eBay (Singer 15-91 - gorgeous machine)

from Singer Co.
 and winning it (for a very good price, I might add)...

and eagerly, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing the page...

when, 2 (yes, 2) seconds before the auction ended, I refreshed and



That's what they call it when someone snatches the item at the very last second so that there's no time to counter-bid them...


Well, ya win some, ya lose some (literally, in this case, ha ha ha!)

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  1. ah..Too bad you got sniped! I have actually been looking for the same model too on our local Kijiji!

  2. Keep trying!!! I got a 15-91 from Craigslist for $50 in a cabinet - the machine is in pristine condition! Miracles do happen and it is a fantastic machine to work on. Don't give up!

  3. i got so fed up of it i bought some snipes on bidnip, it's really helped, but it annoys me i have to do it, better luck next time- you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them! :o)


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