FYI: Coupon for FQS; bee blocks;!

11:25:00 AM

Hi all!

Just thought I'd share this coupon which came across my email inbox from Sew Mama Sew for the Fat Quarter Shop:

..just click the coupon above and you'll be brought to Fat Quarter Shop!

I've been coveting this new line from Lily Ashbury for Moda, and SewLux will be carrying it later this week;
... first of all, money is tight so I'd have to scrape to pick a bundle of it up. Secondly, I have no idea what I'd do with it other than admire it on my shelf, hahaha!

Fabric addict?



I've been very busy getting Bee blocks done in advance of October and November; I thought I'd share just a few of the ones I've completed so far in August.
FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches:
November block 1

FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches:
November block 2

FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches:  - Scrap Box Block 1,

FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches:  - Scrap Box Block 2,
Get Your Hex On! - August Block
Simply Solids: a modern {bee} - Gamboge Group
August block
FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches:  - "Palace Steps" block

... and I've been working on my UFOs. August is UFO month, people! (at least for me!)

1) My king-sized quilt project:
Huge stack of 22" blocks
on this project I have about 4 more blocks to finish, and then assemble the blocks together for the top and then I have to figure out what the heckadoodles I'm going to do for the back... I started this one in February, as the first round of my Simply Solids Bee. Time to get'er done, me thinks.

2) My flying-geese project:

I would love to be able to say that this project has been a labor of love. However, it's getting more and more difficult for me to see the finished quilt. I have, quite literally, ripped all of the blocks themselves apart 4 times; I have assembled and ripped apart 3 versions of a quilt top. I think I've finally come up with something now; I'm sick of ripping out geese. I have 4 pieces left to sew to the top and then the work on the back begins. Thank goodness I already know what I'm going to do there. >sigh<

3) Quilt with a friend project:
No progress here. Oops. It's on the list though!

4) Baking a Baby:
You read right.
Currently at 28 weeks, or about 7 months, I'm in the third trimester now and hoping that things will be going a bit more smoothly. We have not had the easiest pregnancy this time 'round, so getting going on sewing projects has been a bit more difficult for me, and the aches and pains are starting to set in so sitting at a sewing machine or computer hasn't been my most favorite thing to do as of late, but I'm trying!

So this would be the reason I'm working ahead, trying to get some of my commitments for October and November finished up so that I'm not dealing with them when baby boy comes to town.

I'm in the midst of deciding on a baby quilt for him, too. Busy, busy!

Right! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far.

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  1. So glad to see a post from you! And, I REALLY needed that 20% coupon from FQS, I've got a workshop coming up and was coveting some of their fabric. So happy for you and your little boy - speaking as a mom of two boys, they are SO much fun (and mischevious, and hilarious, and gassy, and dirty, and snuggly with their mommy - all at the same time).

  2. Fingers crossed it's all plain sailing for you from here with your little boy :o)

  3. Wow busy bee alright! Looks like great progress on all fronts! Well done.

  4. Congratulations Erin and family. Best wishes for an uneventful third trimester and a bouncing baby boy!

  5. Congratulations! As a mom of three boys I can assure you he will keep you entertained. You'll probably learn a lot about trucks, tractors and dinos too!

  6. Oh my, I can't believe your pregnant, you do so much, what do you mean your not getting much sewing done. I am in awe of all the things you accomplish, plus a lovely bun in the oven, you did just make a quilt for Moda Bakeshop and you did it while baking something else at home, lol. Congratulations! hope the 3rd trimester sees you making me think you are even more amazing than I already do. P.S. used the coupon on top of there already 20% off Kona Solids, awesome deal.

  7. So thrilled to see your news! Hope all goes those legs as much as possible...feet up . . . and quilt!

  8. Erin, missed this post.. I'll congratulate you officially on the blog now.. hoping the last little bit is a bit easier for you.. take it easy huh..

  9. Oooo - I have been offline for awhile....!

    Congratulations! Please take good care of yourself. :-)


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