
12:00:00 AM


When I woke up on New Years morning, I swore to myself that I would finish of the W.I.P.s I have on the go as of December 31, 2013. As such, I decided that this year I'd be sewing primarily for myself and not for others as I have in past years. So - time to take a break from almost all Bees I'd been participating in/running and blog hops (as much as I LOVE THEM!!) actually complete some of those projects sitting in Rubbermaid totes all over my basement.

(I'm not the only one with these totes filled with quilts longing to be finished, am I right?)

Yesterday I spent a lot of the day finishing the last 5 blocks and subsequently piecing the top of this king sized quilt I started, with the help of my Simply Solids bee members, almost a year ago.

On the ironing board now, waiting to be pressed and de-linted/threaded, etc.:

I can't wait to have it done. I snuck it upstairs and laid it out on our bed and it looks so good, really brightens the room.

Now. To quilt it. Bind it. Love it.

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  1. no ... you are not the only one with a pile of projects to finish .. you may be one of the few that actually DOES finish some though xx

  2. Erin this is so very pretty! You will absolutely love having it all finished and on your bed! Your goals align with mine...I'm convinced it is not very fiscally responsible to have so many unfinished projects and I'm convicted to get them finished.

  3. Love the colors. King size ones always end up UFOs for awhile here, too.

  4. This is going to be gorgeous! I love the colours.

  5. It looks like it will be gorgeous when you are finished.

  6. My goodness that sounds like a big goal, I think you can do it.

  7. I know you can do it! Laying out is a great idea, remembering how great it looks will be lots of inspiration to finish it. Are you using a domestic machine to quilt it? if you are, I would definitely be interested in hearing how it goes.


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