Quilty-related shenanigans

7:53:00 PM

Thursday my mum was back on a plane to Vancouver, much to everyone's dismay. My poor daughter has been running around the flat, going from door to door, knocking and saying "GaGa? GAGA!" (she's two - GaGa = Grandma).

>insert crying smiley here<

My sewing area is all organized and sufficiently decked out - more on that to come. I have one more rack to drill into the wall, and I'll be all done.

I've been starting to plug away at my series of posts for the upcoming "Beautify your Blog" series here at Sew at Home Mummy - the 12 week series will start Monday, April 7.

The series will touch on a few tips and some tutorials for your Blogger blogs.

Stay tuned - in the coming days I'll get a button and some code done up for your blogs which will direct back to a page with links for each topic in the weekly series.

In other news, I've been busy with my next hexie project - just a little something for myself. It's good to keep my hands busy at night in front of the tv - busy hands stay out of chip bags...

Today I managed to make the hour + drive out to Schaumburg, IL, to see my very first exhibited quilt on display at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo!

the quilt has been touring with the Expo since November 2013 - it was in Tinley Park (here in IL) last November but I had just had my c-section and couldn't go and see it. Eep! Can you tell how excited I am?!
(I just realized I spelled 'Vanna' incorrectly, lol)

I've also been lucky enough to have my "Chicago {by train}" quilt be accepted to be exhibited in Rosemont IL in the June show for International Quilt Festival!
"Chicago {by train}"
My birthday was this week, and I celebrated by picking myself up a little hard card case from Burlington for $3! And of course, it is quilty-related:

Well! I think that's enough jabber for today!

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  1. Happy belated birthday to you! And congratulations on your Chicago quilt being accepted. I think it is brilliant--it inspires the "I wish I'd made that!" feelings that send me to the sewing room ready to flex some creative muscles. Thanks for the motivation.

  2. birthday wishes from me and so good to read you have 2 quits being exhibited well done.You will miss your Mum and your daughter will too. Looking forward to seeing what we will be able to do to improve our blog do not know how ( well I did but have forgotten) how to add a button so maybe you could share that too.

  3. Cheers on the acceptance into Rosemont. I used to go to that show when I lived in Lafayette IN. Too far from Portland though.

  4. Bummer the GaGa had to go, Awesome seeing your quilt in the show and your new quilt to be in a show soon, totally get the hand out of the chip bag thing :)

  5. wonderful birthday pressy x well done your quilts look great ..so exciting to have them .."go on tour" xx my work always travels more than I do .. seems yours does too xx d YES keep the hands busy with sewing not eating ! lol x

  6. Happy birthday to you.
    Well done on having 2 quilts exhibited. I just knew your 'Chicago by train' would be accepted.
    Looking forward to your blogging series.
    It sounds as though your mother had a lovely visit.

  7. Happy Birthday! How exciting to have two quilts exhibited. I so understand about the missing GaGa...my boys go into withdrawal when my parents leave and they're 11, 10 and 6! Can't wait for the beautify series.

  8. How exciting to have two quilts be accepted for exhibits Erin! Congratulation :o) Your little hexie birthday case is as cute as it can be! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  9. Your challenge quilt is fabulous!!! I'm so excited for us all! Ggreat job~ Peta

  10. Congratulations on the exhibition of 2 of your quilts - how very exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing your completed room and the upcoming blog series. Happy birthday!!


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