What's in your bucket? Quilty Bucket List Blog HOP & GIVEAWAY!!

12:00:00 AM

The Tilted QuiltHi all! Welcome to Sew at Home Mummy, the next stop on The Tilted Quilt's "What's in your bucket?" quilty bucket list blog hop! Thanks to Stacey for hosting this awesome, inspirational hop, and I can't wait to see what everyone on the hop has to share from their quilt bucket lists!

If you'd like to participate on your blog, create a post about your bucket list and link it up to The Tilted Quilt!

Make sure to stop by the other participant's blogs on the hop:

March 3 

March 10

March 17 

March 24

When Stacey contacted me about the hop, I thought - oooh... where the heckadoodles do I begin?! How to I narrow my creative life's to-do list into a concise compilation, one which would still be accurate? achievable? do I include the 'pipe dream' quilts too?

Off to Pinterest I went...and man, did I have fun. Here are some collages of some of what I came up with; most are quilts which will inspire new designs, not exact replicas. I should note as well that, a lot of these images I'll draw my inspirations from are actually modern art pieces - paintings, graphics, etc., not just quilts. Because, as we all know, inspiration is all around us.

Handsome Hexies:
Photo credits, clockwise, from top left: Image 1  |  Image 2  |  Image 3  |  Image 4

I don't know what it is about hexies, but man, I do love them! They look so sharp - retro but modern at the same time. I'm in the middle of an English Paper Piecing hexagon quilt, and although it's taking me forever and a day, I'm loving every minute of it. I can't wait to start my next hexagonal adventure.

Tempting Triangles: 
Photo credits, clockwise, from top left: Image 1  |  Image 2  |  Image 3  |  Image 4
I have a 60deg triangle ruler and I'm dying to use it. End of story. hahaha.

Shapely [S]ircles:
Photo credits, clockwise, from left:  Image 1  |  Image 2 |  Image 3  |  Image 4
I *love* circle quilts. Love love love them. There's something about the curves - the challenge of sewing them, the possibilities when quilting them, their visual aesthetic. Gorgeous!

I also have to give a nod to a fellow Chicago Modern Quilt Guilder - Erika at Miss Sews-it-all... look at this gorgeous color wheel quilt she constructed for her sewing space; this is going to be a definite addition to my list, and may very well be next in the long line of to-do's:
Image courtesy of Erika @ Miss Sews-it-all

I know that my list is pretty short, but given that I'm a mom to two {very} little ones, this list will keep me going for years to come!

And now for the giveaway! 
Three lucky winners will be receiving some quilty fun in the mail from me. And, if I break 400 Bloglovin' followers (and I hope I do!), I'll add a fourth prize to the mix! Here are the prizes:

Prize #1: A bundle of 3 FQs from my stash, a GORGEOUS pair of Havel's embroidery scissors, and a spool of Connecting Threads 100% cotton thread in Cream
Prize #2: A bundle of 3 FQs from my stash, a fabric marking eraser, and a spool of Connecting Threads 100% cotton thread in Fawn
Prize #3: A charm pack of Minky Brights and a Guidelines Ruler Connector.

(because there must always be rules, c'est la vie):
* Open to international residents
* If you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave an email address. If ya don't, I move on to the next randomly drawn comment.
* Winners will be drawn randomly on March 31, 2014 and notified ASAP. Lots of time to enter!

1) leave me a comment here telling me what project takes the #1 spot on your quilty or sewy or crafty bucket list - include a link to a photo/pin, etc., if you so like!

2) follow me on Bloglovin' and leave a comment telling me you do (optional!)

3) leave a separate comment telling me: if you could win anything sewing related in a giveaway, what would it be? (optional!)

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  1. I follow you on Bloglovin and would love the chance to win! My Quilty bucket list??? where to start? I'm so new to the whole thing but if I had to chose one it would be something like the Tropical Sundowner quilt http://www.pinterest.com/pin/294704369338336295/
    I love the use of colour and the challenge of the circles

  2. number one on my bucket list (as in I WILL make one one day, but not today!) is a cathedral windows quilt, i love them.

  3. fabric is always number one for me in sewing related giveaways. thanks for the chance!

  4. The top of my bucket list is a triangular quilt in solids! I have so many pinned on Pinterest I need to get this niggle scratched!

  5. I follow you on Bloglovin'.....

  6. Fabric or thread is always fun to win! Who doesn't love 'free supplies'!?

  7. Erin since my daughter is having her first baby in September I have been busy making my nieces Christmas gifts early so I can help my daughter. Presently I am making robes for my nieces

  8. Erin I already follow on bloglovin

  9. Erin if I win one of your great prizes I would make something for my new grand babies nursery

  10. I have a beautiful batik jelly roll that is waiting to become a quilt... I even have the borders and backing, just haven't started it!

  11. I guess fabric is always wonderful to win. Really, ANYTHING sewing/quilting is great. I'm always amazed at the generous giveaways, yours included! Thanks so much!

  12. A Dear Jane quilt is #1 on my bucket list. Thanks.

  13. Giveaways are fun - fabrics, thread, notions. Thanks.

  14. The biggest one on my list is a Swoon that is probably more than half way cut out. I just need to get it sewn!

  15. I love to win fabric but a fun new tool is a good win too. A speciality magazine is also fun too.

  16. My top of the bucket list quilt is a DWR. I am terrified of this quilt because I know it is so detailed. Maybe I will wait a while longer before I make the attempt. (haha) -Brittany

  17. I follow you via Bloglovin!

  18. If I could win anything in a giveaway....a jelly roll because I am fascinated by them. :)

  19. Great lists Erin! I'm right there with you on the hexagons, sister! Thanks for participating in the hop :)

  20. Circles and/or curves...but in a very modern way!

  21. My seenu machine is a piece of cr-p. Pardon my French. My ultimate win would be a new machine. But I always love fabric wins!

  22. I'm loving this blog hop so far - it's wonderful seeing everybody's lists!
    Would it be cheating to combine your first and second and make a hexagon quilt out of sixty-degree triangles? Heh.
    I'm trying to come up with my bucket list after seeing these posts, and I think that the one at the very top would have to be my Mailbox quilt (which is still in my head!). After that, it doesn't feel like the other quilts I want to make belong on the Bucket List, they belong on the To-Do list; somehow the two lists feel different.

  23. If I could win anything sewing-related in a giveaway... I think it would have to be a fat-eighth bundle of tonal/blender fabrics... Of course, while we're fantasizing we may as well make it in the perfect colours to complement the current project! Purples, or whites... Greens or blues... I think I have too many ideas.
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    Also, thank you for asking a question! When giveaways do that I often end up reading all the comments just to see what everybody's answers are. It's a nice little addition to an already lovely giveaway.

  24. Number one on my list is a rose star quilt.

  25. I would love to win some Aurifil thread, but fabric comes a close second!!

  26. Fun! At the top of my list is the memory quilt for my daughter ... already pieced, just need to quilt. Next to that is the Salt Air Diamonds Quilt. I have all the supplies, just need to get working on it.

  27. My number one project is a queen size quilt for my bed using the Birds In the Air pattern. I'm making it in 1930's reproduction prints.
    yoyopattycakes at hotmail.com

  28. I would love to win fabric! Any fabric. It's the stuff quilts are made from, and you need lots of it and lots of variety!
    yoyopattycakes at hotmail.com

  29. I don't do embroidery yet, so a small pair of sharp scissors would be a great gift for me. It's so nice to find more blogs to follow on bloglovin. I'm now following you, too.

  30. Some day I would love to make a Dear Jane quilt, just a throw size. I also want to make a hexie quilt too.

  31. I have plenty of fabric but I do have a lot of quilts that need quilting. A free custom quilt please!!!

  32. I am following you with bloglovin.

  33. I would have to say a Single Girl quilt!! Been on the list for a while.

  34. I would love to win a box of assorted quilting and sewing notions, rulers, scissors and the like.

  35. Number 1 is a Swoon quilt - I've got the pattern , I just need to make it!

  36. I like circle quilts like you and one to do one, I even have the fabric, it will be kind of like this one but different. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/271130840038745315/

  37. I need to win some rulers :) wouldn't mind winning a 60 degree ruler, ;0

  38. Quilting my 1st quilt. Tons of other ideas waiting. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  39. Following on bloglovin'. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  40. Marking tools would be nice. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  41. Finishing my Dear Jane is at the top of my list. I'd like to tackle a double wedding ring one day.

  42. I love fabric and prizes like #1 is perfect! This is fun!

  43. I have no bucket list, but I do have a few custom orders waiting, no quilting, but sowing.

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  44. I follow you by Bloglovin!

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  45. Favourite prizes is fabric!

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  46. I am a new follower on Bloglovin


  47. I want to make 2 quilts this year , one using up stash fabric, and one using the Sunshine Rose fabric line fabric I bought....


  48. I'd love to win quilting rulers and Aurifill thread !


  49. In 2009 when I had three months out of work, I got out my BUCKET LIST and Learned to make a QUILT - and I have been sewing them ever since!!! I'm currently working on my Scrappy Trip Along quilt.

  50. I am a GFC/Blogger and Boglovin follower :)

  51. Well - if I could win anything sewing related I think I would love to win a box of Aurifil 40 weight which I prefer to the 50 weight for yummy quilting!!! I also LOVE other people's scraps

  52. The #1 on my bucket list is a king size flannel rag quilt for my bedroom. Thanks.

  53. I would love to win a new sewing machine or lots and lots of fabric! Thanks.

  54. I've seen lots of gorgeous patterns by Judy Niemeyer and one day I want to make a large quilt from one of them.

  55. I am very fond of fabric and would always like a prize that included fabric. If I were REALLY lucky, I would like to win one of those drawings where you get a trip to a big quilt show and a new longarm machine. Wouldn't that be something?

  56. I follow on bloglovin.

  57. My bucket list would include learning how to quilt on my "regular" machine. I know it can be done but I am afraid to tackle it. Some day...

  58. If I could win anything it would be a sewing machine that I could learn to do quilting on. I love to make quilt tops but it is too expensive to get them quilted. Right now I am in the process of making a quilt as you go quilt. Not as easy as I though for a big quilt. Thanks, Kathy

  59. I want to make this quilt: http://www.modabakeshop.com/2012/01/positively-perfect-nap-quilt.html for myself. Sometimes I can use the positive reminder! Now I just need to find a fabric line that calls to me. :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Bucket list project is an I-spy quilt. love those for kids!

  61. Giveaway preference is fabric - especially coordinating (charm packs, etc.) can always find a use for it!

  62. I would love to win anything quilt related, books, magazines, fabric...a cruise with Bonnie Hunter, lol!

  63. I follow you on bloglovin. I would put a hexie quilt on the top of my list. Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. The top of my bucket list has a clamshell quilt on it. I have been collecting fabrics for it, and am too shy to cut into them yet!

  65. I think it depends on what qualifies as "bucket list." If you mean something that I would LOVE to make someday before I die but probably never will, then I pick this gorgeous quilt:

  66. I would love to win some Oakshott cottons. I love them but can't convince myself to spent the money to buy them. What is a ruler connector?

  67. Fabric is always an excellent thing to win, but I have been trying to win a spool or two of Aurifil thread FOREVER! Also, useful notions that I probably wouldn't want to spend the money on otherwise are great. "Useful" is a relative term, though - I bet it's hard to know what notions people really want. I like giveaways with different sized rulers, or binding clips, or fancy seam rippers.

  68. #1 on my list is a value quilt of HSTs. I just think they are gorgeous and remind me of summer!

  69. I love giveaways that include fabric or thread! I am a new quilter and these help me build a stash!

  70. #1 on the bucket list is a tree of life quilt. Looks like a great giveaway! Thanks

  71. I am a new follower via bloglovin'...looks like a very nice blog ! only too happy to follow:)

  72. On my quilty list is a swoon quilt and a triangle quilt. I already have the fabric for both I just need to get on it!!

  73. And if I could win anything? Well fabric of course!! Even though I don't strictly need any....

  74. My bucket list is quilts for all my family members. The designs will be whatever I think they might like at the time I get to them. In progress I have one of these:
    It's for my eldest son.

  75. My dream giveaway would be batting samples, big enough to make a small project. I'd love a way to try out lots of different battings, as I tend to stick with the familiar.

  76. My Bucket runneth over. But this year, I want to finish a very FUN wonky Halloween kwilt.

  77. If I could win anything via a giveaway...I wouldn't be too picky. Gift certificates are always great!

  78. right now , finishing my swoon quilt

  79. My #1 hope is to do a Double Wedding Ring quilt. I sure do like many of your ideas, too, especially the circle quilts.

  80. I don't use Bloglovin but follow you with Feedly. I love it and it's been a great replacement for Google Reader.

  81. I'm a notions junkie and love winning new rulers/tools. Fabric is always a lovely prize!

  82. A double wedding ring is on my all time bucket list. Don't think I'm going to try it for a while, though.

  83. If I could win anything sewing related, I love to win a ticket to a sewing retreat.

  84. I would really like to make a quilt using super-size castle blocks!

  85. If I could win anything sewing related... I would love to win a sewing machine! :)

  86. Top of my bucket list is a mini swoon quilt.

  87. I have followed you via Google Friends Connect for quite a while. I'm not a fan of BL.

  88. If I could win anything it would be a remodel of my sewing room.

  89. At the moment, there's a long awaited churn dash on my design wall. I would love to make a clam shell quilt but I might have to hand sew it. Those stretchy curves intimidate me!

  90. I am a sewing tool junkie - part of the fun of sewing for me is using good tools!

  91. I just signed up to follow you on blogLovin. I'm glad I found you!

  92. My next "bucket list" project (when I finish my current WIPs) is an all AMH quilt! I'm still sorting out what pattern... :)

  93. I follow via BlogLovin and Feedspot, too!

  94. Fabric is my very favorite win, ever! Especially colorful scrap pieces (I'm working on an EPP hexy charm quilt).

  95. I want to be brave enough to make an equilateral triangle quilt.

  96. While I usually love fabric above all else, with gift certificates a close second, these days I am longing for a BlocLoc ruler. I'd love to win one of those!

  97. I really want to make a Judy Niemyer Wedding Ring.

  98. If I could have anything it would be a new sewing machine or a Longarm but on a smaller scale I would like some BlocLoc Rulers.

  99. I have a few quilts in my head and in my notebook that I'd like to make. One is a simple quilt made up of individual 4 inch squares every one different.

  100. My favourite win would be a charm pack.

  101. My quilts bucket list includes an I Spy quilt for my son's bed!

  102. Darn that autocorrect -- I meant "quilty"! I follow you on Bloglovin'.

  103. If I could win anything in a sewing giveaway, I think it would be a walking foot for my machine!

  104. I have all the fabric for my "Swoon" quilt but have not started it yet. I even have the crafty class where Camille shows you how to cut it. Shame on me.

  105. I don't think I have a bucket list. I just want to make beautiful quilts, the style of which seems to change regularly! A double wedding ring would be nice to make, as would something a little more graphic and modern.

  106. If I could win anything? Fabric or something made by the blogger having the giveaway would be my favourite things to win.

  107. My bucket list? I want to recreate a hexagon flower quilt my great grandmother made.

  108. Always fabric is fun to win. I sew clothes as well so yardage is great

  109. I follow on bloglovin though I always read on feedly instead

  110. Number one on my bucket list has to be a Cathedral Window quilt, and I am not even going to be overly nice about this one if I ever get it done it is mine everyone can keep their mitts to themselves.

  111. If I could win anything, within reason that is, I would want to win some Wonder Clips for binding I am so sick of getting stabbed by pins when hand sewing my bindings.

  112. I would love to win a new sewing machine. Maybe at Paducah!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  113. My bucket list? If I live long enough, I would love to make an applique quilt. Hand applique. Needle turn. What's the life expectancy of an overweight quilting couch potato???????

  114. if I could win anything in a giveaway I would like to win an HQ Sweet Sixteen sit-down long arm quilting machine(( I might as well dream big!!)

  115. my bucket list. To be able to make quilt that looks like this:

  116. I would really like to learn how to do EPP hexagons.

  117. I am anticipating starting a red / black french braid quilt for my eldest son. He requested one about 4 years ago and I think I have procrastinated enough. Thanks for sharing

  118. I just love to put the quilt tops together. It will always trump all other projects!

  119. Any sewing giveaway? I think I would like lots and lots of fabric or rulers. I always like to see what new rulers come out.

  120. I follow you on bloglovin. :)

  121. My bucket list is to make a quilt for my kids and grandkids. :)

  122. I would love to win enough background fabric for a quilt.

  123. The top of my bucket list is to finish a quilt in time for my brother's birthday coming up in May. I can't believe that after all these years I haven't made him one, so I better get going. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  124. If I could win anything, it would be a sit-down quilting machine. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  125. Thank you for the chance! I am planning to make a nice jacket and a skirt for my daughter's birthday (it is in June so I have plenty of time). About sewing giveaways? Lots and lots and lots of different fabrics :)

  126. I follow you on Feedly if it counts.

  127. My bucket list includes learning to paper piece. I am a relatively new quilter and this very intimidating to me.

  128. I think the Marcelle Medallion is number one on my list!

  129. The top thing on my Quilty Bucket list is getting my BOM's all caught up before I get so behind that I'll wait until next year to finish them! LOL LOL
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  130. I follow you on Bloglovin and looking forward to seeing what you make in the future!!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  131. If I could win anything, I would ask for more wishes!! LOL Seriously, I would ask for a Mid-arm sit down quilting machine with all the bells and whistles!!
    array-dawn at cox dot net



  133. HI, If I could win anything, I'd ask for the latest FQ Bundle each month in my mailbox!
    Thanks so for a neat giveaway!


  134. Hi, top on my bucket list is: Starting+finishing a beautiful Christmas Star tree skirt for my daughter for next Christmas! Been mulling this project around for a months. . . . still have not chosen "the special one"! Happy Stitching to You !
    Thanks for a neat giveaway!


  135. I love what I've seen made with new York beauty blocks. A really funky quilt with lots of colour using variations of that block is on my list

  136. I like giveaways of fabrics most, threads and patterns are cool too.

  137. #1 on my bucket list would be to finish my Dear Jane quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

  138. I am learning about modern quilts, so I would love to work on one.. and that color wheel you posted is a great idea too. :)

  139. I never win anything, so I guess whatever (fabric, thread, tools - never too much of anything) would be appreciated.. haha..

  140. I follow you through Bloglovin.


  141. I always enjoy winning fabric of any kind! Thanks for the chance to win!

  142. Right now I'm hand quilting a quilt for my brother.

  143. If I could win anything at all I would love to win passage on a quilting cruise!

  144. I am currently quilting floor mats out of beautiful batiks for a friend who moved to italy, where nearly every place is hardwood floors.

  145. I'd love to win a set of Aurifil threads.

  146. I'd love to make a bargello quilt one day. This pattern is my favourite: http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/quilting/home-decor/spiral-burst-bargello-quilt-top/794
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  147. There are so many inspirational quilts out there, it's so hard to point to any specific one! I think my bucket list would have to involve just finishing up the quilts that I've started - a pyramid quilt from years ago, a pickle dish type quilt (can't even remember the name at this point!) and a modern coin quilt still waiting to be finished. And who wouldn't like to win anything quilt related? Rulers, mats, fabric... :)

  148. My bucket contains so many quilt tops that I need to quilt. I plan on learning to quilt by hand this year so I can send them off to new owners, namely my sisters and children.

  149. I follow you on Bloglovin

  150. If I could win anything sewing wise it would be more fabric. I have been using my stash in most of my quilts because on a fixed income I can't afford to buy a lot of fabric. I love scrappy quilts.

  151. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this quilty bucket list fun. I love all the inspiration.
    #1 on My Bucket List is a modern DWR quilt for my DD and SIL's 1st anniversary, which is in August. I plan to use the quick curve ruler pattern from Sew Kind of Wonderful. Have pattern, have ruler, have fabric ... all it need is time ... ;) Pat

  152. I have been a happy bloglovin follower for awhile. Best of luck reaching 400 followers! ... :) Pat

  153. Fabric is always my favorite giveaway winnings ... :) Pat

  154. I follow you, but via email rather than blog lovin :)

  155. I would like to make a quilt entirely by hand.

  156. Fabric! And lovely things to go along with fabric, like sewing shears,

  157. My bucket list is I want to make a totally appliqued quilt. I love the look of applique. I follow by bloglovin

  158. I am working on a faux chenille baby quilt for my niece who is due any day!!!!

  159. I hope to make a red and white feathered star some day.

  160. I am a new follower on bloglovin'.

  161. If I could win anything sewing/quilting related it would be a longarm machine.

  162. I want to make another quilt using batiks. I made one as a wedding gift and I hated to part with it..

  163. Quilt fabric would be my favorite thing to win.

  164. A small sewing tools organizer is the first one in my list right now.

  165. Either fabric, pattern, or notions would be nice to win.

  166. The top of my bucket list would be getting some quilts made for this home. I have taken a year off from making quilts and quilting for others just to do this and it is working great.

  167. My ultimate dream win would be a new longarm quilt machine. My midarm is great but want a longarm. (Not crazy for all the turning I have to do with midarm, LOL)

  168. I follow you on bloglovin' (New)

  169. If I could win anything sewing related in a giveaway, it would be a small treasure sewn by the blogger. I sew a lot myself, and I love things sewn by others too.

  170. The number one thing on my bucket list now is finishing a memory quilt in honor of my grandmother. I have blocks sewn from her handkerchiefs, her embroidered cotton dishtowels, and her blouses.

  171. It's a toss up between clamshells and dresdens! I like your list too!

  172. fabric is always great and any useful notions - I think you nailed it with number 1! :)

  173. Number one on my list is Belle Waves, made with one of my Kate Spain FQ Bundles.

  174. I follow on Blogger and Bloglovin'.

  175. Fabric is always a great give-away. Thanks for hosting!

  176. I'd love to finish my first quilt- a sampler quilt I began hand quilting and gave up when the going got rough. I recently pulled it out, finished the quilting on the middle squares, and now I'm on the borders. For my next project, I'd like to do a hexagon quilt. So fabric would be great for a giveaway!

  177. I am also wanting to do a triangle quilt -- and an improvisational piece.

  178. If I could win more TIME, that's what I really need. But since that's a hard one....maybe a fancy sewing machine with a bigger throat for quilting. :)


I ♥ to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or for asking me a question. Rather email me? Reach out at sewathomemummy@gmail.com.

I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!