Sharing the Coupon Love #14
11:24:00 AMQuick Coupon Love post today, this cold has hit me hard!
This cutter has a no-slip grippy ruler with a rotary blade built in along a sliding bar which makes strip cutting up to 6" wide an absolute breeze.
This is one gadget I highly recommend - stay tuned for the review!
I also have two coupon codes for ya:
SHIP - free shipping
SEVEN - $7 off your purchase
Mad About Patchwork has a whole lotta Denyse Schmidt on sale right now for $8.00 per yard, and their Monday Mosaic bundle is 20% off (and features a Tula Pink print!)

Fat Quarter Shop is featuring Kate Spain's Sunnyside Fat Eighth bundle on for $43.19 today for their Flash Sale feature!
Free shipping, and it's $22.49.
Rose Room Quilts has some great deals on a few of their super cute organics right now - $12.38 a yard! Head over their to check it out!
Craftsy has their Swing, Quilting and Knitting Classes on for up to 50% off: Save up to 50% off on Sewing, Quilting & Knitting classes - sale ends tomorrow (September 15). I've been thinking about taking the Jacquie Gering class on quilting with your walking foot... "Creative quilting with your Walking Foot"
Therm O Web is celebrating National Sewing Month with a great sale: $10 off of any purchase of $40 or more at with the promo code
Not familiar with Therm O Web? I wrote a post about them several months ago - you can read more about them {here}. I love their products. I've been using their spray-baste lately for little projects and it sure saves a lot of time!
Okay. So that post was longer than expected.
Let me know in the comments if you've come across any super skookum deals out there on your travels!!
In the interest of full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to Craftsy and Therm O Web sites. This means, that, if you click these links and happen to make a happy-mail purchase, I'll get a few cents in return. By law, I have to disclose this to you, and really, I'd tell ya anyway. I'm that friend who will tell you you're having a bad hair day. Ahem. You're having a bad hair day. What happened? The other day you looked fab - is it the humidity? Change of seasons? Anyway. It's okay. You should see my hair right now. It'd give 1970's Farrah a run for her money. In a bad way.
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