I have the best hubby...

11:20:00 AM

Thank you so much to everyone who left a kind comment on my blog on this post:

So completely uninspired and crazily overwhelmed

I have to say, I've been pretty bummed out and totally not inspired by my 'new' sewing space in the 'new' house.

It was dark and bleak and blech. We have had water problems which we've been trying to fix, but entailed ripping down the masonry wall, leaving studs and bare concrete exposed. This bummed me out even more.

But then my hubby surprised me with a fresh coat of paint on the remaining paneling:

... and it's much brighter down here now.

It's still a disheveled mess, but at least the color isn't dragging me down. He's got 2 coats of primer on there now, and it's ready for the pretty cream color I have left over from another project. I still have to prime and paint the doors and trim (hubby hates the persnickity stuff, and I don't mind doing it!) but it's sort of getting there. Much better for now, anyway!

Today is the first day in over a month I'm in the basement working. And it's great.

Hubby has been busy working from home every day but he's offered to give me a few mornings here and there so that I can get caught up on 'my' stuff, and I'm excited about it.

Now. Where do I start??

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  1. Your basement has windows? Lucky girl! You will love it all once its tweaked and bedazzled the way you want it to be! Hang in there!

  2. Have fun sewing. I can see much more inspiration coming now.

  3. Oh, what a lovely sewing room!!! I love the light walls - they really do help, don't they? It looks like you can make it a very creative space :)

  4. good to see the sewing room is coming along, a great space and I am sure it will soon be finished and you will sew to your heart`s content

  5. A lighter color always makes a space brighter. I'm sure you will have it all set the way you like soon.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Wow!! Look at all that space and natural light! The paint is a lovely colour and will complement just about any quilt you want to hang on your walls. ( I think my sewing room would fit about four times in there!) You will love it when you have it arranged to your taste and style. Looking forward to seeing the finished result! Lynne.

  8. I can picture you working away in there.. I havent been blog reading in awhile, love the fresh blog heart look too..


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