Product Review: June Tailor's "Quilter's Starch Savvy"

12:44:00 PM

The summer seems to be getting away from us here in the Sew at Home Mummy household, as we try to make the best of the sporadically good weather and complete exterior home repairs as we can. We have truly become Weekend Warriors.

A few months back the awesome people from June Tailor sent me a bottle of their new spray starch product to try out and then in turn, give my honest opinion on.

I received the product just before the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild retreat, so of course, I brought it along to have a few of my fellow quilters give it a try as well. The reviews were really positive.

I have been using the product now for several months, as I like to do with all products I review (what's a true product review if the Honeymoon phase is still in full swing?), and here's what I have to say about June Tailor's Quilter's Starch Savvy.

About the Product:

This starch was made specifically with the Quilter in mind. It's a fragrance free, flake free formula in a 16oz bottle with a fine-mist trigger. The starch has been specially formulated specifically for quilting cottons to give increased stability and better control of pressed seams.

The starch is clear and does not settle; the user controls how stiff their fabrics are based on multiple applications of the starch.

June Tailor has created a video about their new product:

The Review:

Depending on the project, I have been known to be an avid starcher. I love how starch really makes the fabric do what you want - you can really beat some crazy seamage into submission with the right starch and a hot steamy iron. That said, I've used several brands of starch, both aerosol and trigger spray styles, so I'm pretty well versed with starches and what I've found both good and bad about brands I've used in the past.

Well, there are many. Firstly, the bottle is not too large, not too small. Because you have more control over the quantity sprayed, it'll last you a long time without having to purchase a massive, heavy bottle that'll be sure to fatigue your hand and wrist. The trigger is nice and smooth, and fits nicely in my hand and is easily depressed.

This was important to me: the starch is released in a pretty even and fine stream, with very little to no big 'bloops' of liquid (this drives me crazy about other brands, the starch goes on too heavy or huge globby bits come out, not with this). I also like how fine the mist is, which allows me to control how much starch I use. Sometimes a seam just needs a little help, sometimes, it needs a lot.

It is truly scent free. Sometimes I like a scent, but most of the time, especially when I'm creating things for clients, I go out of my way to keep everything scent free. So I love this aspect of this starch.

I have had zero flaking. And I don't have any new scorch marks on the plate of my iron.

The clear plastic bottle means the rust you might incur with the metal aerosol tins is no longer an issue.


Honestly, I had to think really hard about this one. I guess for some who like to have a scented starch, having it unscented is a negative.

A quick Google search indicates that the starch goes for anywhere from $5 - $14 - so make sure you do your homework on where you buy.

Otherwise, I am really happy with this starch. Really. Like, a total convert.

If you have any questions, please, let me know in the comments below! I'd love to answer them for you (if I can, and if I can't, I know people who can!).

Available at:

I found some online retailers who carry the starch if you're interested in picking a bottle up! It'll be one of those great 'add-on' items for when you're trying to make up your free-shipping totals, he he.

June Tailor Online Store
Fat Quarter Shop

If you have tried Starch Savvy, and would like to leave a comment below about it, please do!

Thanks for reading this review, happy starching!

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  1. I haven't tried starch yet, but have been interested as I hear about it a lot on blogs. Thanks for sharing your honest opinions. I'll definitely give this brand a try.


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