Sharing the Coupon Love: Kona for 15% off
9:16:00 AM
Quick post for today as I am madly trying to finish midwifery infant scale slings for the shop AND a mini swap quilt!
The Fat Quarter Shop is having an awesome sale on Robert Kaufman fabrics this week. Use the coupon code RK2015 for 15% off all RK fabrics - including Konas.
If you use a lot of Konas, this is a great deal. Especially if you're ready to take the plunge and buy a bolt.
A bolt has 15 yards on it, and if you buy 15 yards you automatically drop the price to $5.59 a yard, then apply the 15% off coupon below and with free shipping in the US the price of a bolt comes out to under $72 - that works out to $4.80/yard.
If you pick anything up, let me know! I splurged and bought a bolt of Kona Iron (I had troubles deciding between Snow and Iron...)
Well, I fell off the fabric-fast wagon really hard!!! Two bolts...Ash and a teal whose name I don't remember!! Happy birthday to me, right???
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