An Affordable Mid Century Inspired Living Room: Inspiration - MidMod Moodboard Monday

8:32:00 PM

My daily search of the Internet for DIY and quilty inspiration often finds me dreaming about the day when I can replace my super-child-friendly living room furniture with stuff that's a little - cooler? and a little less - practical? (you know, the type of furniture you had when you got out of college, got your first real job, didn't have kids yet and had a bit more money to drop on 'frivolous' things...)

Ultimately I'd love to have all original 1950s and 1960s pieces, but these tend to be expensive when and if you can find them (although I belong to a few online mid century modern enthusiast groups online and I seem to be a little unlucky in my ability to find such gold-mine finds for next to nothing at the Goodwill like so many others manage to do...)

So - here are MCM inspired furniture options that won't break the bank, and, if ruined by my children I wouldn't be absolutely devastated at the item's demise! I included the item's affiliate links* just under the moodboard for your couch-surfing pajammy-shopping pleasure -

Mid century modern inspired living room furniture moodboard. More economical option to buying original mid century pieces - good place to start while I search for original 1950s and 1960s gems!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
My absolute favorites on the moodboard would have to be the couch, the lamps, grey angular chair (#13) and the clock. Oh! The clock!

I have a lot of fun 'window shopping' and searching for wishlist items, daydreaming. I have quite a few more retro-themed living room furniture items on my wishlist here - check it out!

I love creating these boards - really addictive. And - they give me something to work towards, to look forward to the day when the renovations are over and we can treat ourselves to a few nice things.

What do you think about the recent resurgence over the last few years of the mid century style?

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  1. Love what you picked out! I remember when my parents had a similar sofa (way back when)!

  2. Hi Erin.....Since we were married in 1955, that is what most of our furniture looked like, although not as pricey back then. I love the look and hope you are able to satisfy your desire to furnish your home with some, or all of the pieces you have posted. Although I didn't comment at the time, I think your kitchen selections were awesome. It's so nice that in recent years, the manufacturers have brought color into the small appliance world.

    We are also from the Chicago area, but now live about 16 miles west of Naperville in the small town of Yorkville. We are both city kids, but love the life out here in the boonies.

  3. Great choices, Erin! You're still inspiring me! Thanks, @owiesnoni

  4. These are fabulous choices! As a kid in the 60's my parents went from Danish Modern in rust colors to overstuffed upholstered in greens. I like your picks in teals,so much better! Just a small hint, seniors only neighborhoods are great places for garage & estate sales :) Have a great week!

  5. My mom had one of those clocks, but it was gold and black. Love all this furniture!

  6. How do you make your mood boards? It looks great!


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