members wanted: "Simply Solids: a modern {bee}"

4:08:00 PM

** Please Note:
The Bee is now full. Thank you so much for those who signed up and are able to participate! **
(January 1, 2013)

I've decided to start a new flikr-based bee.

It's called: Simply Solids: a modern {bee}. This bee will be in the spirit of the modern movement: all fabrics used each month will be solids - no patterns or blenders, etc, allowed. Get your Kona and Bella color cards ready!

Please read the rules/requirements carefully before signing up; this is a 12-month commitment, starting February 1, 2013. 

Sign-up for this bee will run from December 1-31. The sign-up form is located at the bottom of this post.

The sign up will be open internationally; if there are enough people to run multiple groupings of 12, I'll generate geographical groupings: i.e.:
Europe (Mainland)
...but I will need at least 12 people from each region to run that bee. So! Tell your friends about it.

Please note that the sign up form for the Australasia region says "Australia" - but all from the Australasia area are welcome!

All Bee members will require an active Flikr account. To open a free account, click HERE.

Bee Particulars:

  • Each Bee group will consist of 12 members, each assigned a month out of the year, starting February 1, 2013. Your members will be sorted geographically (as above) and randomly assigned to Bee groups. You will be notified by January 5, 2013, of which group you're in. You will, as a group of 12, have 5 days (until January 10, 2013 at midnight) to decide which months you'd each prefer and post them to Flikr. A month assignment list will then be posted in your groups thread by the moderator (me!)
  • When your month rolls around, you'll send out instructions for your block by the 1st of your assigned month. All fabrics used in block constructions must be solids.
When it's your month!
  • You must post or send out your instructions by the first of your assigned month, no later. Feel free to post earlier if you'd like to get a jump on it.
  • Your block can be any size up to 12.5"x 12.5".
  • Fabric requirements - 2 options:
    • You mail out, to each person in your group, enough fabric to complete one block.  OR
    • You tell the group to stash-bust. I.e.: your fellow group members can use solids from their stash but with a catch: you can't request any particular colors or make suggestions as to colors - you only give them the instructions on how to construct your block, and you give your Bee members free reign on which colors they'd like to use or have on hand to use. The idea behind this is that we don't want anyone spending any extra money going out and buying your requested fabrics - but at the same time, it'll make for some pretty funky quilts, I'm sure!
  • As blocks are constructed by members, they should be posted to the "Simply Solids" Flikr stream. This allows the other group members to see what everyone else is up to!
  • You will be emailed a list of names and addresses for the members in your group for mailings purposes (as such, this information will be requested in the sign up form below).
Please leave a comment on this post with any questions you may have; if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address.

Feel free to tell your fellow quilting buddies about this, and, if you'd like to promote the Bee on your blog, here's a button!
Simply Solids: a modern {bee}

Cheers! And happy quilting!

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  1. I'm in!! This sounds like so much fun!!

  2. I'm interested. Just need to think about it as the new year could have lots of commitments.

  3. I've signed up! I've recently gotten more into solids and I'm excited!

  4. I've wanted to do a solids only project, but I just can't seem to work up the courage. This'll be perfect!

  5. I just blogged about the bee tonight hoping to attract more people!

  6. Glad to have found this via Celine! I signed up!

  7. Wonderful. I am loving solids : )

  8. I'm really excited! Can't wait. This will MAKE me do instead of sitting around THINKING about doing, not because I'm lazy or strapped for time but because I have so many ideas I can't decide what to do next.

  9. Couldn't resist a "home grown" bee, and solids to boot!

  10. This sound fun... I am in.. Thank you for hosting

  11. Love solids. Thanks for hosting this :-)

  12. Such a great idea! I've signed up and blogged to get more people in the UK group :)

  13. Read about this on Quilt Matters! Sounds great. Thanks

  14. Thank you for the invitations (through your comment). I'm really looking forward to join a bee but I'm afraid I've got too much on my plate for the New Year...

  15. This sounds like so much fun!!! Is the block pattern different each month and, if so, does that month's sewist send out the pattern too? Are there different skill levels available? I'd be afraid I'd be in a group that has a pattern that includes something like paper piecing- which I've never done- and that person would end up getting a block that looked like a first grader sewed it!

  16. So fun!!! Is it the same pattern each month or does the person whose month it is send out the pattern? Also, are there different skill levels? I'd be afraid I'd get a pattern I wouldn't know how to use!

  17. So fun!!! Is it the same pattern each month or does the person whose month it is send out the pattern? Also, are there different skill levels? I'd be afraid I'd get a pattern I wouldn't know how to use!

  18. Spotted this on the Quilting Bee Blocks Flickr page. Thanks for organizing this bee. It will be fun to get involved with something new!

  19. My question are the block like month related or any block? So like Feburary would you do a heart or any block?

    1. Hi Sheila,
      The months and blocks are unrelated. So if you're assigned the month of February, you tell your group what kind of block you would like them to make, and either tell them to stash-bust OR you send the fabrics out to them.
      (I tried to email you but you're a no-reply blogger - so I hope you check back!)

  20. how many blocks do you have to make per person/month?

  21. Just wanted to let you know.. I've entered my name, but if you wind up with too many people for the group, you can drop me out to let someone else in. I'd love to participate, but I keep telling myself I'm not going to start anything new, so it'd be no skin off my back if I don't make it in :D


    (Also, I'm not sure I gave you the right info for my flickr account, here's the direct link if it's wrong:


I ♥ to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or for asking me a question. Rather email me? Reach out at

I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!