Are you a No-Reply Blogger?

5:00:00 AM

Have you ever left a comment or question on someone's blog, and never received a reply?

I absolutely love each and every comment I receive, and I'm so happy to answer questions as they come up!

Ok, I don't love the spam (insert crude action here) and (selling italian villas), etc. Those I could do without, but I hate the word verification, so I've turned that off.

This post is about being a 'no-reply blogger'.

When you leave a comment on someone's blog, that person gets an email alert with your posted comment.

When you're a no-reply blogger and you leave a comment or a question on someone's blog, we get the email, but we can't reply to your lovely comment because your email is hidden from us.

This is how to fix that. (Edited to add an additional starting step - Feb 1, 2013) It should be noted that I'm using the newer version of

1. Go to:
(This is the new "Dashboard"; you don't have to be in this screen, if you have the new blogger interface running you should see Step 2. in the top right of almost every window)

2. In Blogger, click the drop down beside your username in the top right corner of the screen.

3. Click "Blogger Profile"

4. Click "Edit Profile"

5. Make sure the box "show my email address" is checked.

6. Scroll to the bottom and "Save Profile".

7. To check to see whether you are no longer a no-reply blogger, repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. Now, you should see right under your profile picture:

That's it! Easy peasy, lemon-squeezey :) Now you'll get lovely responses to your lovely comments!

I should note this: when I made the switch to Google +, for some reason, I was switched to being a no-reply blogger and, despite all my searching, couldn't change it.

This lovely lady here has a great tip for those whom are running Google+ and are no-reply bloggers. As soon as I reverted back to Blogger Profile, I could edit my email status no problem.

I hope this helps everyone!

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  1. The single biggest problem I can see as far as no-reply goes is that blogspot doesn't let OpenID users include their email address. I am NOT a no-reply blogger because I am not a blogger, I'm a wordpresser. If blogspot would give just that one line more, the problem (for a bunch of us, anyway) would be solved. (Wordpress has its own issues - we ALWAYS get our commenter's email address, but it doesn't send them an email when we reply. I like that it leaves the comment on my blog - it's good if someone asks a question, then I can respond and anyone else who comes along afterward can actually see the answer - but I wish it would also forward the comment to the listed email address as well. If a person selects the option to be emailed about replies, it sends them EVERY single comment that's posted after, not just the one responding to them. Stupid, that.)


    1. Huh! Very good to know WIP! I've never blogged with WP, only ever Blogger. To be honest, I really know nothing about the WP platform, but that sounds really frustrating. And as I said above, really good to know.
      You'd think that after all of these years of these two platforms being around, they'd 'talk' to each other better. Gah!

  2. Thanks for this post. I've tried following the steps and I'm not seeing the place where "show my email address" is available. Would you mind checking to see whether I did it right?

    1. You're still a no-reply blogger :( boo!
      Are you using Google+?

  3. I never ever win anything (after 3+ years of regular trying). But I am already a yes-reply blogger :)

    I actually can't reply to wordpress blogs. I started one once and had an ID and everything. But I could never figure it out, so gave up. Now I can't log in due to lack of password, but when I try to recover/reset my password, it says there is no account with my email. But if I try to start a new account, I can't because there is already an account with that email! LOL.

    1. Dree, send a message to Patrice. She is the administrator and knows most of the answers. She helped me when they told my I already had an account with my email address.

  4. Vamos ao teste então?Acho que sou com resposta todos me respondem...testando...

  5. Erin... Some people are really computer challenged.. You might want to include the very first click which would be clicking on "Design" up in the top right corner to get to the page which has your user name in the upper right corner.

  6. I have tried several times but think my problem was in using google +. Would you let me know if the changes I made worked. Thank you. Just in case


  7. Hi Erin, I love your site and thanks for the tutorial. I blog occasionally, but when blogger makes major changes I come to a screeching alt. After a bit, I come back and try to remember where I left off and start anew. That's where I am at now. I goggled a video on how to create categories and am getting some help with this, awaiting her response. In the meantime, I love your signature font. Is that something I can find on the Internet and download?


  8. I have this, Thank You.
    My friend has a reply on her posting area, of her blog. When someone leaves a post on her blog, she can reply at the same spot under the post the person left. Would love to have that one, cannot seem to find it anywhere.

  9. I'm in Google+... I think I've fixed my problem. Would you be so kind to confirm for me? I don't want to be a no reply blogger!!

  10. Hi, I've been having the same problem as WIP girl because I use wordpress. Tried to fix it and I think...hope it works. I set up a blogger profile and added my email and website address so I can use that when needed. It's a bit annoying as wordpress would be much more straight forward, but if it works then that's ok for me. Maybe someone could let me know?!

  11. Hello, I was wondering if you get my email address or if I am a no reply blogger or what? Thank you for helping me out. If it doesn't shoe my email it is
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
    Could you please let me know? Thanks again.

  12. I was really happy to see the link to this post - but unfortunately I'm in the same boat as many others.. I'm a Wordpress user, so the instructions don't apply to me - I have no idea if my email address shows up for you or not. :( I do have comments turned on on my blog, so someone can always easily leave me a comment on my blog so I can be in touch, and I can see their address if they enter it, but I don't know if it works the other way or not when I use WordPress "open ID" to leave a comment. If you figure it out from other bloggers, could you update the post or do a second post for Wordpress users?

    1. Unfortunately Dawn there isn't a solution to your problem. Wordpress and Blogger don't 'talk' to each other; so, if you're a Wordpress user, you'll need to remember to leave your email address with every comment you leave on a Blogger blog. :(

  13. I certainly wish blogger and google would stop messing with things.I got two messages from friends saying I had become a no reply. One of them kindly sent me your link but my buttons don't match up with the pictures. I did check to see that the reply boxes were checked and they were so who knows what is up? Thanks for your help, and I hope things that weren't broke in the first place are fixed.

    1. Julie - you're still a no-reply blogger - and I suspect it's because you're using Google+. Follow the link in my post above to the Blogger who's figured out a way to fix this.
      Google+ is frustrating. :(

  14. I seem to have the same issue - I've always replied via my Google Apps account and never received a reply. I don't understand.

  15. Thanks for the post! I thought by signing into my Google+ account it would provide my e-mail, but apparently, you have to take it one step further and edit your settings. You always don't know what you don't know until you know, you know? ;P

  16. Hi Erin, I was unintentionally a "no reply" blogger. It was brought to my attention yesterday. Thanks to your post I am now a "yes reply" blogger =) , however, I had to revert from Google+ back to Blogger to make this change. Now that I've done it, can I go back to Google+ and remain a "yes reply" blogger? And do I always have to click "notify me" to see when someone replies to a comment I've left?


  17. I am trying to get it where you can see my email. But when I click on the link you gave, my user name does not even appear. I am so lost. if you have time do you have a suggestion?
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  18. Hi Erin, I have had my husband help me here. Can you now get to my email?
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net


I ♥ to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or for asking me a question. Rather email me? Reach out at

I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!