Eye Candy Sunday

12:00:00 AM

Recently I was lucky enough to win Rachel @ Stitched in Color's "Pink is..." challenge, sponsored by SewModern Fabrics.

my "Pink is {spring}" mosaic
The challenge was to create a mosaic of fabrics from SewModern's website with a pink theme; mine was based on what I think 'spring' looks like...or what I wish it looked like right now as the snow falls, yet again, in Chicago.

Oh, the snow. I'm so done with the snow.


Guess what arrived in the mail yesterday?

You guessed it. My 12 gorgeous, springy fat quarters from SewModern!
Such a gorgeous bundle, I'm so excited to have them in my stash. Totally in love with the colors and prints I chose.

Thank you again to Rachel and SewModern, I really appreciate it, and thank you so much to those who took the time to vote in the contest, and those who voted for my mosaic!

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