Blockin' it, "Brown Bear" style; making a "habit" of it; the Singer 66-16 Project continues...

8:33:00 AM

Busy Bee, I've been.

Here we go with a works-in-progress post for the link-up at Freshly Pieced! Some weeks I am not sure why I post, LOL. The listing of works yet to be fini only seems to give me a bit of anxiety...but then again, it's great motivation to get this butt in gear!

in no particular order...

1) Blockin' it, "Brown Bear" style:
Not sure if you've ever heard of the children's book by Bill Martin Jr. & Eric Carle, but it was a classic when I was a kid, and now my kids are lovin' that cray-cray art too.

image courtesy of Wikipedia

I make these eye-spy quilts for the kiddies in my life, and now that my sister in law is expecting, she'll be getting one as a gift at her baby shower (A., I hope you're not reading this...if you are, cover your eyes :p )

I managed to get a top done yesterday and the blocks for a second top (for the Etsy store) done:

I always have fun quilting these mats. More on this soon.

2) Habit-making
Image courtesy of
I was literally making habits last week with my milliner friend, Elizabeth. (A milliner is someone who makes hats/headpieces/masks, etc.). She's a costume designer by trade but specializes in hats.

Anyway, I helped her for a few days over the last few weeks to make nun habits for a Sound of Music run here in Chicago at the Lyric Opera House.

I always love helping her out. Last year I helped her with a gold-lame headpiece for a Flash Dance production here in Chicago. My retinas were burning by the end of it, all that gold shine. LOL.

Today I'm helping her out with some sort of tool-vests for physio robots at a local university? I think? She does some weird stuff. I love it. I always learn something!

3) The Singer 66-16 Project
So, if you've been following along with this, I've officially re-wired the light and the electrical cord, and wired a new foot pedal to replace the knee bar in the cabinet. (for my previous posts, click {here})

Last thing to do (wiring-wise) is the motor. But I've been too chicken so far to do it. I've been practicing sistering my wires and soldering them:

Sorry for the blurry pic, it's hard to focus on that skinny wiring. I think my solder is *pretty* good, but could be better. So I'll continue practicing. But I think I'm doing pretty well...

4) Baby Quilt Shenanigans
I think I finally have a plan for this quilt panel my SIL wants incorporated into her baby quilt. I have to admit, having to use a panel has thrown me a bit, I'm not used to having such a...structured?...element to my quilts... but it's cute, so I can see why she likes it!

Linking up to Lee @ Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday!

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  1. The brown bear quilt is great!! My kids would love that. Soldering? go you!! I would be too chicken. You will be so proud of yourself when you get that Singer restored :-)

  2. Love the brown bear quilts! Do you want some help/advice with the soldering? I wish I lived closer - I'd just pop over. :D But we can maybe skype or facetime or something if you're having trouble. Also, there might be no-solder options, I'd just have to see it a little more closely.

  3. I read that book to my children too! and how cool is that, nuns habits too funny!

  4. I read this post yesterday on my iPad and my two year old son saw it and immediately started cheering. He LOVES Brown Bear! He spent the rest of his breakfast chanting "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do YOU see?" with each bite of his cereal. :)

  5. My three boys all loved Brown Bear, and Polar Bear, and now I'm reading them with the little ones I babysit. I can definitely recite them both by memory! That panel is really cute. I can see why your SIL wants it in her baby quilt. Have fun working it out.


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