Do you never win anything? Never get any emails back from Bloggers after leaving comments? For the love of winning and comment love, please, read this!

8:30:00 AM


Listen up folks.

In the most recent giveaway here on my blog (the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Days), LOOK at all of the no-reply blogger comments I got - and this is only what fit on my screen when I took a screen shot:

If you see your name there - you're a no-reply blogger who replied to my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway post.

Do you know what a no-reply blogger is?

no-reply blogger: a Blogger user who has not set their email to be visible in their profile, leading all comments they make on Blogs to post without an attached "respondable" email address - so when the commenter's nice words end up in the commentee's inbox, we can't respond:

versus when you're NOT a no-reply blogger, your email address shows up and we can get in touch with you!:

Here is a GREAT tutorial for fixing a no-reply status - and if you have a Google+ account, and haven't received any responses to comments you've left or won anything, you're probably no-reply, and it's because of Google+.

Go here:

Fix your NOREPLY BLOGGER status

And on that note, the winners of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway here at Sew at Home Mummy were, and have been notified already:

Prize #1: Libby J.
Prize #2:  Julia Y.

Thanks again to everyone who entered!

And if you haven't entered my most recent giveaway, click the button below!

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  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  2. This No-Reply Blogger situation is so frustrating. When I had give-aways on my blog at the beginning of the month I had to draw a random number 4 & 5 times for the two different give-aways.

  3. I know, right? SMS giveaway, the giveaway happening right now on my blog. So many no-reply. I even stated on the one I'm doing now, "I will respond to everyone, if you don't hear from me you are no-reply and cannot win." And still :)

  4. So, I think I fixed it, but the link that said, go to this post and write a comment was broken. So, could someone tell me if it's fixed? Thanks so much :)

  5. I have noticed for the last few days people who have always been not no reply bloggers seem to know be, not sure what has happened but I am sure it is to do with google+, which I have ignored. When I post a comment it always shows up on my screen that I have used google so presume they always go on with my email address vuisible to the blog concerned well at least I think so. I do like to reply to blog comments but as you say id a no reply blogger comes up I can`t

  6. Wordpress bloggers may not know that they are showing up as a no -reply blogger. They actually aren't!!!! but blogger and wordpress can't or won't share the needed info to reply to each others comments. I have a google mail address just for replying on blogger blogs. They were a few other steps to take to actually become a reply-commenter, but I do nor remember where I found the instructions. I do know it was a quilt blog.

  7. This no-reply is an ongoing problem and I have tried to help a few people here and there when I can find them to let them know. However, if you have Typepad or Wordpress, those people tell me the Blogger doesn't play well with them, so they will probably always show up as no-reply on our Blogger blogs. I have even had some people tell me they want to be no-reply. So while so many of us try to get the word out there and explain about the no-reply and how to correct it, there are some who still do not get it or who don't care about it. What I tell people when there is a giveaway involved if in doubt leave your email address in the comment so they can be reached if they win. With Google+ you must check your setting every month because it can and does revert back to no-reply status periodically and who knows why. I will not use Google+ for that reason alone.

  8. Thank you so much for posting this. I think I've fix mine now.

  9. Hi Erin, I'm wondering if I have been a no-reply under the new Google+. I've changed a setting and wonder If I'm showing properly now.

    1. Of course, If I AM a no-reply blogger, I've left you no way to contact me! LOL

      rpsandbag at gmail . com

  10. I see my name on your list as a no reply blogger but I am not following the fix post. I will need to work on this.


I ♥ to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or for asking me a question. Rather email me? Reach out at

I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!