Liberty of London Giveaway: Winner Announced!

12:33:00 PM

Hi all!

Thanks for entering my paying-it-forward Massdrop giftbox Liberty of London and Swag giveaway!

The winner of the giveaway (and I've emailed her already - check your inbox!) is:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't despair if you didn't win :) I'm very close to having 700 readers here on the blog, and when I hit 700, I'll most definitely have a giveaway :)

As well, in celebration of finishing my Singer 201-2 "Ikea-hacked" table and refinishing the refurbished 66-16's table, I'll be posting a mini-tutorial on how I did the former and a little giveaway for my readers - so stay tuned.

Also upcoming:

I'll be posting polls on my blog regarding:

  1. Cotton & Steel Swap: have your say - I'll be going with the majority on this, if there's enough interest - Charms? Layer cakes? Fat 8ths? Fat Quarters? By designer? Basics only? etc. This will be open to international participants. Swap will start beginning of August.
  2. The "Make-it, Swap-it" Swap: have your say - again, going with majority on this - what would you like to swap? Christmas ornaments? mini quilts? machine covers? pin cushions? pouches? notebooks? Open to international participants. Swap to start end of September/beginning of October for end of November mailouts.
Also upcoming - the final post of the "Beautify my Blog" series - how to upload an HTML template to your blog, and the wrap up.

And I have a massload of WIPs I have to write up - I've had company here for the last 3 weeks and now it's time to play catch up!

Stay tuned, all!

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  1. I just realized that the poll was anonymous.. I offered my help if you need it.. just let me know.. :)


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