WIP Wednesday - Physio Harnesses | C+S Swap - Moonlit Round - Update!

7:52:00 PM

Oh my goodness. I have been up to some shenanigans here.

Before I get to that, here's an update on the Moonlit Round of the C+S Swap here at Sew at Home Mummy!

I have received fabrics from the following people (in alphabetical order):

AS 29483
ED 60202
ES 26180
FK 14517
IJ (Int'l)
ME 22172
SE 82070

Please check in on the weekend for another update on packages received if yours is in the mail and you don't see your name above!

Also, remember that the next round, the Basics Round, starts on August 25! Every print in the basics line for Cotton + Steel will be swapped - you can sign up for swapping fat eighths, charms squares, or both! More information on the swap can be found {here}.


Onto the shenanigans.

I've been working day and night on this project - it still involved quilting!:
I've been helping my friend {Elizabeth} out with this project; they are harness support vests patients will wear while undergoing physiotherapy for learning to walk again.
I used my Singer 201 for the entire project, and it was awesome. Sewing through thick, dense layers of foam, strapping and nylon was no problem for the machine. I love it!

The vests turned out really well, and they've been already delivered to the company which ordered them. I was so happy to be able to help {Elizabeth} out with this project, it was too cool.

I've also been busy working on infant scale slings for the Sew at Home Mummy Etsy Shop:
I'm excited to get back started on some (more traditional!) quilty projects!

Linking up to Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday!

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  1. That looks so fun, I think it would be inspiring to sometimes work on something a little different. At first I thought your friend was doing a play with some military fighter vest, I can just imagine a grenade on them. Physiotherapy vest are much better.

  2. Wow I am impressed with the vests!

  3. They look so good and sturdy. Excited for the basics round.

  4. I cant remember what I signed up for, I know Moonlite, I havent gotten my order yet.. Cool Project.

  5. Super cool vests! Mightely impressed!!!


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