Cotton + Steel Swap: HATBOX Round! Sign up {here}!

7:00:00 AM

Wanna swap?

It's HATBOX time! WOOT!!

Fat Eighths:
You'll be responsible for purchasing and cutting 1.75 yards of your assigned print (you'll get an email from me once the groups fill) into 14 fat eighths (I'll send you a tutorial, don't worry) and then get them off to me within 2 weeks of the fabric assignment email. I'll swap yours out with everyone else's, and you'll get 13 F8s in return, one of each of the Hatbox prints. The remaining F8 will be lovingly kept by your Swap Mama for doing some of the work ;)

You'll be assigned 0.75yds of a Hatbox print, which you'll need to cut into 40 charms squares. Mail those 40 charms to me within 2 weeks of the fabric assignment email, and I'll swap them all out. You'll get 39 charms in return, 3 of each print (the extra one will be kept by your loving swap mama ;) )

Please read and make sure you understand and agree to the full rules as listed in this post, {here}.

Have any questions? Please feel free to email me @ 

Updates will be posted on the blog once or twice a week; please check back here often, and click on the "Hatbox" button in the right sidebar 

for the most recent updates on this round of the swap. Also, feel free to follow along on Instagram as I'll be posting teaser pics on there and updates, too. (@sewathomemummy)

Use the Google Docs form to sign up for the Charms swapping below!

Use the form below to sign up for the Fat Eighths portion of the swap:

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