VOTING OPEN!! The Blogger's Quilt Festival! Have your say
11:30:00 AMHow is everyone today?
Busy busy I bet. I seem to be run off my feet - perpetually.
This week I'm on vacation in my hometown of 'sunny' Vancouver (← that's a Vancouver joke. It rains there, constantly...sunshine is more liquid than light)
I thought I'd pop a post up to remind all of my readers to head on over to the Blogger's Quilt Festival at Amy's Creative Side and cast your vote in each of the categories for your favorite Blogger's quilts!
I entered this cutie patootie in the Small Quilts category:
And the back:
This elephant quilt is travelling with me in Vancouver right now, and its recipient will be receiving it on Sunday at her shower! I hope she likes it.
Here's my original post on this quilt, with a ton of sweet pics:
A quilt for Little Ellie
I have also entered a quilt into the ROYGBIV category- my "Fractured Churn Dash" quilt:
You can read more about this quilt over here:
and see some more pics of this rainbow creation.
Please head over {here} to vote on your favorite Blogger's quilts in all the different categories! Have a ton of fun, there are always so many talented Bloggers linking up!
A special thank-you to Amy of Amy's Creative Side for hosting the annual Blogger's Quilt Festival.
I ♥ to hear from you!
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or for asking me a question. Rather email me? Reach out at
I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!