WIP Wednesday: Let the rush for Christmas presents begin...

10:04:00 AM

I've already started on all of the Christmas presents I'll be giving the kids this year which will be handmade.

For that matter, every time I go to Target, I check their dollar section and try to pick up a little something for stocking stuffers so that I'm not leaving it to the last minute (and thus ending up with an insane bill all at once - ouch).

I don't usually work with quilt panels, but hey, my kids (3 and 22m) are NUTS for commercialized stuff. I'm giving in to Princesses and Avengers. No sense in fighting it anymore.

Pick your battles.

Plus, I figure I only have a few more years before receiving anything homemade won't be 'cool' enough, so, enjoy it while it lasts!

First up is a Princess quilt panel, backed with minky (man, I must love my kids because I have sworn off quilting minky on my machine in the past - it's such a mess and not easy to maneuver but they love their "cozy" blankies...):

Disney Princess quilt by Sew at Home Mummy | Quilt panel from Fabric.com

It's hard to see in the picture, but I'm backing it with a lavender minky cuddle, and lining it with a cotton batting. Nice and cozy for cold winter movie days.

Because the kids don't really care what the quilting looks like, I'll be practicing my free motion quilting on them.

My meander/stipple needs a bit of work, but I'm getting there:
Disney Princess quilt by Sew at Home Mummy | Free motion quilting, stipple, meander

Today I'm linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for her WIP!

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  1. Well, at least you didn't struggle with the piecing to only then struggle with the minky. :D I'm sure they will be very, very loved, and well used, and in the end, that's probably the important thing. Almost never feels that way in the middle, though, does it? :D Good luck!!!!!!

  2. Love this panel...can't wait to see how you quilt it!

  3. What a great Princess panel. Guess I need to put my mind toward Christmas.

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  5. Home made for kids is like their toys. Ya gotta do it while they are little and before they get picky. It will not be long before I can not pick the toys I would want to play with and the fabrics I would want to use.


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