Fix Sliding Cutting Mats - keep them put!

10:24:00 AM

Just a quick tip/trick post today for those slippery cutting mats!

How to stop your rotary cutting mat from sliding around on your table. Tips and tricks from Sew at Home Mummy. Using Shelf Liner Grip or Dritz Grip Discs to stop your cutting mats from sliding in your quilting or sewing studio or room.

My heavy Havels mats* sit on my hacked IKEA tables, right beside my machines. Despite being double sided, extra thick and heavy they slide on the glossy surface of my tables like crazy (and to note, as do any other mats I put there).

Here are two options/solutions for that!

Option 1) Dollar Store Shelf Grip Liner or Carpet Grip:
This may be your cheaper option especially if you have access to a Dollar Store. 

Head to your local Dollar Store or hardware store  (Dollar Store will be cheapest - but if you don't have one near you, or, if you like to shop online here are affiliate options for shelf grip (cheaper option) on Amazon and Target, and carpet grip on Amazon or Target)

Roll out the piece and cut it to the size of your mat, and place underneath. No more sliding!

Option 2) Dritz Grip Discs (this is what I use):
These are called Dritz Grip Discs and were originally made for Longarm ruler work. I have stuck them to the bottom of all of my long rulers for cutting, so they don't slide around.
Dritz Grip Discs
I added the extra large friction discs to each corner and center of the underside of each mat:
How to stop your rotary cutting mat from sliding around on your table. Tips and tricks from Sew at Home Mummy. Using Shelf Liner Grip or Dritz Grip Discs to stop your cutting mats from sliding in your quilting or sewing studio or room.

Now they stay put. Happy quilter!

I ended up going with Option 2 only because moving both the lining and mat when I needed that table space was getting annoying to me. I like that the Dritz stickers stay in place when I move mats from table to table, and are low profile enough that I don't notice them when I'm cutting.

I have purchased the Dritz Grip discs online at (here) and  Connecting Threads (here) in the past.

Happy quilting!

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