Sharing the Coupon Love: Aurifil for 50% off!
8:06:00 PM
As an affiliate partner of Craftsy I thought I'd pass on the money-saving love (you know how I love a good deal, the penny pincher I am!) -
Craftsy is having a Save up to 50% OFF kits and Supplies Sale! -
They're offering up to 50% off kits + supplies (knitting, sewing, and quilting!) right now while supplies last - ends tomorrow!! Click {here} to see all of their deals!
I'm heading over to check out the Aurifil today. Often they'll have the best sales, and then I stock up on 3 or 4 spools (and I've also been known to organize a group order with my friends to get the free shipping hehe). Right now the 50wt is on for $7.15.
Or, I might just pick up that cone of Dove Grey I've been eyeing forever and add to my cone stash - I love that Craftsy is carrying 70 colors in cones now. (As an aside - did you know you can use cones on your home sewing machine? here are two posts I wrote with tricks to do just that - for both vertical and horizontal spool sewing machines - save money on the thread you buy! it's like the equivalent of buying food at Costco, but for your sewing machine, lol.)
*this post contains affiliate links to Craftsy at no additional cost to you. For more information, please visit my Disclosure Statement and Advertising Policies page.
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