motivation to finish more

4:00:00 AM

Shortly after I wrote the post the other day about all of my 2013 commitments, I received an invite to the Flikr group "A Lovely Year of Finishes", run by Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts and Melissa of Bittersweet Designs.

A Lovely Year of Finishes
Basically, it's a linky-party where, at the beginning of each month you link up a WIP, and then at the end of the month you link up again with your finished project.

The idea is to encourage all of us just a little more to actively finish more of our projects, and to trudge through and complete some of our UFOs.

I've joined :)

I'm part of the "Dare to Dresden" blog hop,
and I managed to snap a photo of my start before I decided which direction I was going in:
... so, I'll be linking up for a finished product on the 24th, since that's when the Hop is stopping here!

edited this after: I didn't realize I couldn't link up to "A Year of Lovely Finishes" after the 7th of each month. Missed the boat this month, I guess. :(

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  1. I didn't link up in time either, I guess this means we will "complete" more in February.


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