A little giveaway for 2 of my readers...

8:00:00 AM

Have you ever purchased a large cone of thread, only to get half-way through the blinkin' thing, and the problems start?

Thread breakage? Tension issues? Jams? Threads bouncing out of your needle?

I'm not going to name any names. But I have had THREE instances where I've purchased large cones, all different brands, and had issues either right off the bat or about half way through the cone. (and for the record, the three brands listed in the chart below were not the culprits...)

Or, how about this?

Have you ever wanted to buy a large cone of thread, but didn't want to also invest in one of those massive, heavy, somewhat obtrusive thread stands?

Boy oh boy. In both instances, I've got the solution for you.

So way back in January I won a $10 gift certificate to an online fabric shop, and, being on a fabric fast, I perused their notions section. And I found this:

... it's called "The Thread Stem", and Quilter's Paradise makes them.

This little less-than-$4-notion is a bloody miracle, I'm not kidding.

It allows you to use large cone threads without having to buy a massive thread stand. AND - if you have issues with the way your thread comes off the spool using a conventional thread stand, this little stem may very well be the answer to your problems.

I have three cones I swore I was going to have to toss. What a waste. And then I found this, and I thought, hey, what the heck, $3.25, I'll give it a shot.

I am SO glad I did.

Wanna see it in action?
so, this is how it works.

You place your cone behind your machine, like so:
place the thread stem on your spool pin, clamping it tight against the base with the spool cap, like so:
...then thread your thread through the small hole at the top of the Thread Stem, and continue on threading your machine as you normally would:
... have a vertical spool pin?

No problem!
image courtesy of eBay

So. Why do I love the Thread Stem?
- it's unobtrusive, small, and easy to take with me to sew alongs and Guild meetings.
- it's allowed me to use up the threads I thought I'd never be able to use.
- I can save moola on larger cones vs. buying small spools, especially for large piecing projects.

I thought, because I'm a dork, I'd figure out how much cheaper it is to purchase cones vs. spools from some of the major thread companies. Here's a quick cost comparison I whipped up:

savings reflect buying the equivalent yardage of thread in small spools vs. cone size.
Prices were in effect as of June 2, 2014. For your general reference only.
[...and as a quick FYI, Fat Quarter Shop has their Aurifil on as their Notion of the Month (and the prices in the chart above reflect that) - something I discovered in my thready travels, drafting this post...]

So there you have it. Depending on the thread you're using, you could be saving significant amounts of money by going with a cone instead of a spool. I do a lot of piecing with cone threads. Especially when you're burning through thread at lightening speed!

Would you like to win a Thread Stem???


TWO lucky winners will win a Thread Stem by Quilter's Paradise. I am so in love with this ingenious invention, I just had to contact them and ask them if they'd be willing to sponsor a giveaway for my readers. And they said yes!! Wahoo!! Thank you so much, Quilter's Paradise!

This is life changing, people!

To enter:

1. Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment below - let me know if you've ever used a cone before - and if you haven't, why not?
2. Optional Entry: Bloglovin' followers of Sew at Home Mummy get an extra entry, leave a comment letting me know you do!

That's it!

I'll ship these Stems internationally. Contest closes in a week's time, Thursday June 12, 2014, winner chosen by Random Number Generator.

PLEASE: If you are on Google+, or are running another profile other than Blogger (eg. Wordpress), you may be a no-reply blogger - so make sure to leave an email address in each comment so that I can contact you. Unreachable entries will be passed over!

Don't want to wait to see if you win? You can pick up a  Thread Stem for $3.25 here on the Quilter's Paradise website. (they have cute rulers, too, which you can personalize - I have one of their little ones and it fits in my machine drawer - super handy, and cute too, tee hee)

Edited afterwards:
I've had such an overwhelming response to this post; almost all of us would buy cones vs. spools after seeing the significant savings to be had. And now that we don't need to buy a big, clunky, expensive thread stand, we can! So I thought, hey, why don't we see if we can get an even better savings on Massdrop for the cones we all love the most! So if you'd like to see Massdrop run a deal on your favorite cone brand, head over {here} to vote on which brand and color you'd like to see them carry!

Good luck everyone!!

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  1. I've never used a cone because I don't have a stand for it. This seems like a fabulous solution. I'd love the chance to give it a try! jennidbrown(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. and i follow on bloglovin! jennidbrown(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. Not a cone user, for the reasons you mention -- honking' thread stand. I like saving $ though and this little gadget could be really useful. Thanks for telling us about it.

  4. OMG!!! What a great little notion. I never used a cone before because of the cost of the stand. THANKS for sharing this.


    1. Dianne! You're a no-reply blogger! I can't get in touch with you if you win!

  5. What a wonderful idea! I have never used a cone before due to the huge thread stand! Thanks for sharing this product!

  6. Interesting! I use a cone with a stand, but like you said, it's a pain to take to classes. Something like this would be handy! And I might have room on the top of my machine to put the cone and the gadget and not have the kitten try to eat the exposed thread.

  7. Oh, and I'm a Feedly follower. Does that count? I have to be the only person in the world who hates the Bloglovin' app.

  8. I have never used a cone - I thought they were only for sergers!

  9. I don't like bloglovin', I use Feedly and I follow you there.

  10. I haven't used a large cone, but with this handy gadget I think I will.

  11. I have been following with bloglovin.

  12. I also have been following you on BlogLovin. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  13. I seldom use cones (although they are cheaper per yard than regular spools) for the same reasons you gave. I bought a cheap little stand but seems to get in the way of everything else on my table. Love this gadget. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  14. I do use cones have have one of those bulky holders. I would love one of these so I can easily change colors or to use on my second machine. Thanks for the chance

  15. I have never used one, just because I haven't owned one.

  16. I already follow you with bloglovin'.

  17. I never wanted to buy the thread holder and until recently I haven't been sewing enough to think that it would be worth my money to buy such a large spool.

  18. What a great idea - I've never heard of these before!

  19. Wow! That looks like a handy little gadget! I've never used thread from a cone because I don't have a cone stand. Thanks for the chance to find out how it works! Lynne.

  20. PS - I am a follower on Bloglovin'.

  21. I have loads of cones that came with a used serger I bought on ebay. I haven't tried them on my sewing machine but I am tempted. The problem is that they are all poly cones. But I do want to try a big cone of Aurifil. I even bought one of those stands, but it sits unopened because it is soooo bulky. That thing looks great!

    1. Gayle, you're a no-reply blogger! I can't get in touch with you if you win :(

  22. I use cone threads all the time. A friend figured out the cost difference for me and I was convinced I really needed to be using cones. I would love a Thread Stem for taking to retreats and workshops. There is so much to pack as it is it would be nice to leave the cone thread stand at home! Thanks for sharing and offering a giveaway.

  23. I follow your blog on bloglovin.

  24. I have never used cones because I didn't want to buy a stand for it. This is the perfect solution! Thanks!

    Please click on delaineelliott above for my email link.

  25. I have used cones before but not in a long while because they are so big and difficult to get to work with my little machine. But this sounds like just the thing to be able to pull them out and put them to use!!

  26. And....I follow you on Bloglovin'!

  27. I have never used a cone, because I have a little machine this would be the perfect solution!

  28. I am a Follower ;) Come to my blog for my follower giveaway Big Birthday Bash Giveaway!

  29. i use cones in Aurifil White and Black and will be getting grey :) i have one of those annoying cone stands, contantly tipping it, bumping it and if i'm not watching broken threads cause it snagged on something, would love to try these little thread stems, if i don't win i think i might just have to buy one lolol

  30. Thank you for the giveaway. I have used cones before, but the stand always seems to be in the way. I agree, thread spools are expensive so this would be awesome to win.

  31. I haven't used a cone because I've never sewed enough to make it worth it, but I've been toying with it lately, because I'm burning through my large spools of good thread faster than I anticipated.

  32. I already follow you on Bloglovin.

  33. Hello I use cones, in a glass jar behind my machine with a safety pin taped to the side with blue painters tape....... I would love to win this, as if I do not put something under the glass jar, like a coaster, the vibration from my machine makes it dance all over, and then it happens, thread tension and breaking problems.....I want to win this, I need one of these...pretty please:)

  34. I follow your blog on Bloglovin...........

  35. this looks like an awesome product -- I haven't used cones before because they don't fit on the machine and I could't convince myself to buy a thread stand. one of my LQS has some beautiful threads I have been itching to buy for fmq but they are on cones.

  36. i bought me a cast iron spool stand and love using the big spools

  37. I follow via bloglovin. sarah@forrussia.org

  38. I use cones, also for the savings, but so that I don't run out of the main colors. Just today I was sewing with one and wondering why the thread kept breaking! I would love to try one of these! Thanks! sarah@forrussia.org

  39. What a cool idea! I have never purchased a big cone of thread before because I didn't know how or where to put it on the machine... LOL.. But if I don't win, I will have to go and purchase one of these little gadgets.. :) because I am all about saving on the little things..

    1. Hey!
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  40. I follow you on everything I think.. instagram.. bloglovin'..

  41. I have not ever really used a cone (though I have some a friend gifted me with) I mostly use connecting threads larger spools.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Not sure why my original comment posted twice, I deleted the second one! I also follow you!

  44. So cool! I have never used a thread cone for the exact reasons you stated! Would love to try one.

  45. I follow you on Bloglovin'!

  46. I use cones and yes thread spools are most expensive so win this would be fabulous!

  47. I do follow by email.Thanks!

  48. I have used a cone before, and really want to start for white and cream all the time, less thread to store. I have never heard of this before, great idea!!

  49. Awesome solution. I would love to win one of these. I thank you for sharing your find.

  50. I have never used a cone. I guess I didn't think I was serious enough to purchase one. But I don't think I'll be quitting any time soon so it's time to start looking into them!

  51. I bought a couple of cones and a cheap plastic thread stand that, you guessed it, doesn't work. I haven't been able to use it. CDahlgren at live dot com

  52. I follow you on bloglovin. CDahlgren at live dot com

  53. I haven't used a cone before and don't know why. Great giveaway.

  54. I use cones all the time. When at retreat I sit the cone of thread, a cup and tape a safety pin on the end of my sewing machine...thread runs thru the round hole on the end of the safety pin. This gadget would be cool though!

  55. I stalk you from every blog corner I can find!

  56. What a great idea! I absolutely must have one of these!

  57. So far I've only used cones on my serger. Never really thought to use it on my sewing machine - mainly because the stuff I buy from my serger is thinner and not as good a quality as what I use on my sewing machine, and I don't want it to get all filled up with excess lint!

  58. I've never used a cone, because like you I didn't want to invest the money in a stand. Thanks.

  59. I'm a follower with Bloglovin' - thanks again.

  60. I've tried using a cone but wasn't really successful, I've purchased a thread stand from a well known company but it keeps tipping over so if this works I'd be so happy. Thanks for the chance.

  61. I use a cone of thread and have set up a concoction with a cup for the cone and a safety pin to feed the thread to my sewing machine (it is not easy to explain how the safety pin is sandwiched between two regular thread holders). My system isn't perfect but it works!!

  62. I follow your blog via Bloglovin'!!

  63. I have cones! (Long arm) but use in domestic ok now to find that threader! Thanks!

  64. Yup I follow on blog loving!
    Linynp2 at (yahoo) (dot) com

  65. I have never used a cone before because the are so large and gaudy

  66. follow on bloglovin cooladam1 at live dot com

  67. I'm forever trying to jury-rig my threads so that they feed evenly. This looks like a great timesaver. I'd love to try it out. thanks so much for sharng

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I've never used a large cone because I didn't know one could use them on a domestic machine! Thanks so much for sharing this great tool!

  70. I follow your inspiring blog via Bloglovin. Thanks!

  71. Never used a cone but would love to get some of those savings!

  72. What a cooool idea!! Would looove one too!! Have not tried big cones of thread..yet! Why? well, I didn't think they"d work on my home machine...thought they are just for industrial machines! thank for showing all of us about this cool tool!!

  73. I am a Follower thru Bloglovin too :)

  74. I have used a cone and threaded it through a thread carrier I borrowed from a friend. I don`t use cones often because I don`t have a thread carrier.

  75. I think this is an amazing solution. I have one of those heavy, clumsy things for large cones, but it comes in two pieces and I have misplaced a piece and so it is useless to me. I love working with cones,and if I don't win, I will gladly purchase one for myself. Thanks for sharing such a great notion!!

  76. I follow via Blog Lovin` :)

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. this sounds like a good idea, I have only used the large con on the overlocker as I did not now how to use them on my bernina but this little gadget is the answer.

  79. I've not used a cone bc i thought they were way too expensive, but I guess they really aren't! I've also not I used them bc my machine doesn't hold a cone so I'd need an adapter. This tool is really cool.

  80. I also follow you on bloglovin thanks Erin for this chance to win

  81. I follow you on Bloglovin. THis looks like an awesome tool

    1. oops am a no reply blogger so - karen.schulz@paradise.net.nz

  82. I try to use cones but like you have serious issues with them. My friends husband made stands for the cones but far too clunky to carry around. I would so love to try this. Thanks karen.schulz@paradise.net.nz

  83. I have never used a cone. simply because when I asked if it was compatible with my machine they told me No!. Not that I have anything fancy but because it was only usable with certain machines. so I just left it at that. . shame on me. Kimethameliea@gmail.com

  84. I have used a cone. I inherited a stand from my mom, but it does take up a lot of room. Love the solution you found.

  85. I've never used a cone because A: I don't have a stand and B: I just started quilting this year and haven't gone through that much thread yet.

  86. A lot of thread cones were given to me and I don't use them because of the problems you mentioned above although I have ordered one of the bulky stands, this notion looks marvelous, thank you!

  87. How amazing that such a simple item solves such a big problem. Thanks for the chance and whilst I'm already a follower I'll add me to bloglovin too. don't want to miss another chance.
    Really interesting post and thanks for all your regular inspiration,

  88. Haven't tried using one because I didn't want to buy the large contraption to hold the cone. On a side note, I have the same machine as you :) I love the Quantum Stylist 9960!

  89. So cool. I'd love to try using my overlocker tread when making my charity dolls. ( I go trough tons of thread really quickly and I hate changing the spool) and if I can ever get my hands on aurfil cones it would be great.

  90. I'm also following you. Thanks

  91. Yes I have used cones before and some can be a bear to use.
    I follow you on Bloglovin. that's how I found this post.
    Fran frani(at)grammyshands(dot)us

  92. What an awesome tool!!! Of course I'll have to have one :) And it would be so much nicer to win one, right? I have used spools for my quilting, but rarely for piecing. I've often thought it would be nice to be able to buy a huge spool for piecing and never run out!

  93. I'm also a long-time happy Bloglovin' follower!!!

  94. I have never used a cone because I couldn't figure out how to use it on my machine! Problem solved!

  95. I hate using cones because of the problems you mentioned above. Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. I have three cones sitting on my thread rack, unopened. For some reason I feel intimidated. Thanks for the tip! monica.chakerian@gmail.com

  97. I use cones all the time. One of my machine is semi-industrial and has a cone stand, but the other machine that has lots of stitches does not and I use a thread stand. That gizmo looks pretty cool.

  98. I use cones and my dad made me a thread stand but would love to try that little gadget on my other machine!!

  99. i have used cones and hate the stand, always in the way.

  100. I would love to sew with a cone, but have never been able to figure it out! Great product! nitadances at gmail dot com

  101. Something so simple and inexpensive to solve a HUGE problem. Now why didn't I think of that? Thank you for letting us know about this thread problem solver miracle.

  102. I haven't, just like you it wouldn't fit on my machine. Thanks for the information on thread pricing. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Hey!
      You're a no-reply blogger, which means I can't get a hold of you if you win!
      If you don't want to leave your email address with every comment you leave, click this link:
      tips on fixing a no reply blogger status- click here

  103. I haven't, but should!

  104. Bloglovin follower!

  105. Ps......if I use my google.....am I no reply?

    1. Hey Alexis!
      You're a no-reply blogger, which means I can't get a hold of you if you win!
      If you don't want to leave your email address with every comment you leave, click this link:
      tips on fixing a no reply blogger status- click here

  106. I have used a cone but had to rig it up behind and feed it up but it kept getting caught on the fabric bunching up behind. I always thought I would have to get a spool holder but this looks great!

  107. I do use cones and I have a thread stand, but this looks like it would be a very helpful notion.

  108. I've never used a cone before because I don't have a stand. This gadget would be awesome and save me some money (for more fabric!). Thanks for the give-away!

  109. I have used cones before and have a large stand but this looks so neat!! I would love to win one of these, thanks!

  110. I now follow you with bloglovin, thanks!

  111. Hi I have used cones and love them but where I live they do not sell cones I do not know why. Yes I believe this is the solution for thread cones. Thanks for the info and chance to win.

  112. Hi I follow you on bloglovin too thanks again and I love to read your blog

  113. I have never used a large cone...I was intimidated! not sure what to do with them or how to use it on my machine. This tool looks great!! I see that it could b a plus without all the extra stuff!

    1. Hey Teresa!
      You're a no-reply blogger, which means I can't get a hold of you if you win!
      If you don't want to leave your email address with every comment you leave, click this link:
      tips on fixing a no reply blogger status- click here

  114. I have a cone stand and I have used coned thread, but I hate the stand. It ends up being a tangled mess. I am going to search out this little gizmo, it may be just the thing I need.

  115. I always use cone thread if I can. I hate running out of spool thread and having to wait to finish a project until I have time to get more thread.

  116. I have used cones, with a 'homemade' thread stand. Unfortunately, I made mine a bit too short and have to balance it on top of a prop. Very precarious!

  117. I have not used a cone before as I didn't think it would work with my machines. Now I see that it is possible.

  118. I enjoy Bloglovin you! Thanks for the chance to win this gizmo - it looks great!

  119. I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway (and the great thread research!)

  120. I use cones a lot but use one of those bulky stands. Sure would like to get rid of that thing!

  121. I follow via Bloglovin. Thank you!

  122. I use cones a lot but use one of those bulky stands. Sure would like to get rid of that thing!

  123. The thread stem looks awesome. I recently used a cone for the first time and was frustrated to have to find a solution for using it. I ended up investing in a stand, but I wish I'd seen this first.

  124. And I just started following you on bloglovin.

  125. I haven't used a cone before, mainly because I'm still a novice quilter and have been a little intimidated by them. :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

  126. I *think* I'm following you on Bloglovin.....and boy do I need one of these do-hickeys! I use cones for my longarm, but not for my domestic machine. It would be great to be able to switch between machines - especially for bindings.

    1. Hey Peta!
      You're a no-reply blogger, which means I can't get a hold of you if you win!
      If you don't want to leave your email address with every comment you leave, click this link:
      tips on fixing a no reply blogger status- click here

  127. I've never used a cone. Now that I am doing more FMQ this would be a handy gadget to own.

  128. I've not used a cone because I had no holder.

  129. I've never used a cone before on my regular sewing machine, only on my serger.

  130. I follow on Bloglovin (Pippirose)

  131. I'm using a cone of serger thread right now for piecing - is that bad? It was about half the price of the regular all purpose cones...
    I sit mine in a heavy mug and sort of wrap the thread around my spool pin.

  132. I have used lots of cone threads. I usually put my cone in a large yogurt cup and it works finel Of course I can also try one of this little do dads.


  133. I follow you on BL.


  134. I don't know why I've never used a spool before except I never knew how. What a great idea. Thanks for a chance to win this little gem. Have a great day.

    1. Hey Ann!
      You're a no-reply blogger, which means I can't get a hold of you if you win!
      If you don't want to leave your email address with every comment you leave, click this link:
      tips on fixing a no reply blogger status- click here

  135. I used cones a lot with clothes sewing. But they didn't seem to work as well for quilting (different threads). I'd love to try them.

  136. I have never used a cone. Still new to the quilting game and have only done small projects so far. Thanks to this tip I will probably invest in cones at least for my neutral colors for piecing.
    sewystuff at gmail

  137. I am a new follower via bloglovin.
    sewystuff at gmail

  138. I have not used a cone because my machine won't hold one but looks like this gadget would work for me too. thanks for a chance.

  139. i have used a cone and i hate that spindly holder

  140. I have never used a cone cuz I didn't know how to make it work with my machine which has a horizontal thread holder. Thanks for the chance.

  141. I have never used a cone mainly I didn't know how to attach to my machine!

  142. I have used cones on my serger but haven't on my machine. Would like to try this!

  143. I've never tried yet but it's mostly due to me being new and not knowing what I can and can't do. I have been wishing to find a cheaper way for piecing because I waste so much due to bad vision, so thanks for the legwork and the giveaway! Much appreciated!


  144. I follow you on bloglovin! Thanks


  145. Wow I've never seen that before! Genius! Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. I have never seen one of those before. I use cones for all of my piecing, but I have this giant stand to hold it.

  147. I sure wish I had heard of this before I started on to retreats. Instead of hauling my thread holder around I could have been using this! My machine doesn't like to unwind from the vertical holders it came with so I have to use a thread holder for all my threads. I have used a few cones but mostly use spools.

  148. I have never used a cone before because I had heard about the tension and breakage problems. This tool sounds great.

  149. I prefer to use cones, I too like the savings of a bigger cone than the smaller spools. And I have a thread stand BUT I only have one and I use several machines. I have hauled machines to retreats only to find I have a cone but forgot the stand. Most frustrating! What a great Idea. Thanks.

  150. I use cones but that arrangement is far neater and more portable than mine

  151. Genius! I buy cone thread all the time. Sometimes I try to put it in a bowl and let it roll out of there. Thanks for the chance to win!

  152. I've used small cones and extra-large spools that won't work with a regular spool pin. I finally bought a cone stand.

  153. When I see something like this I say to myself, why didn't I think of that? Great gadget! Thanks for introducing it to your readers and for the giveaway.

  154. I have tried to use cones before and have not had good luck. i have a cone stand, but for some reason I couldn't figure out, it seems to add an incredible amount of tension to the thread and my stitches would look horrible. This looks like it would do just the trick to alleviate that problem.
    Thanks for sharing!


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